Sunday, November 16, 2014

Random Photos Reminding Me of Warm Days

Today's photos for the Scavenger Hunt Sunday prompts are a bit random. I searched through my archieves for most of them. Hope you like them anyway! 

1. In a Row

Last Sunday evening Joe and I packed up from the market and went to Tulsa for a few supper (Okie word for the evening meal) and a few groceries and some much needed mailing supplies. Our first stop was Sam's Club. No cars in the parking lot??? Sign by the door showed they close early on Sunday. We thought we may as well drop by a thrift store before eating. Closed. We tried another, and another. Both were closed. Next stop, Panera Bread. Closed for a meeting! We finally settled for CiCi's Pizza.

After supper, we stopped at Quik Trip for gas. They were open. Yay! It was quite windy and the flags fluttering between the store and the gas pumps made a beautiful sound. This isn't what I expected when I took the photo, but I love all the colors!

The flags were all in a row,  but not as many rows as appears in this shot. I was pleasantly surprised. I had expected the blur, but not the duplication.

2. Salty

A photo to fit the salty prompt was not an easy find. This was from several years ago when we took a friend to California to live with his son. We vacationed our way home. My daughter fell in love with the ocean.

3. Sweet

We came home from the market a couple of weeks ago with several bags of apples. We took this batch to my mom. The bag burst before I got them to her door. This was worth the effort it took to pick them up. They were nice and sweet, especially after mom put them in a cake!

4. Sitting Down

My grandson loves to perch in high places. You may remember the shot of him last summer sitting high on a rock reading a book. Technically he isn't sitting down at all, but I love the photo. 

5. Just Because

This is one of my favorite shots of the wagon train expedition we did with our home school group several years ago--just because!

Hope you enjoyed my interpretations for the prompts this week. Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a comment to let me know what photos you like the best. If you posted in Scavenger Hunt Sunday this week, I will visit your blog and comment. Wishing you a great week!


  1. Martha, you're back! I didn't see your name on the linkup last week... unless you linked up after me.
    I love your "in a row" shot. I agree, ocean water is salty. Ever get a bunch of it in your mouth? Haha.
    I had a boyfriend in college who would perch on things. I broke up with him, because he was not the one. But I remember one time, we had an argument, and we were hanging out in one of the student lounges. He was perching on the armrests of both of the couches, and I was sitting on one couch. During our argument, I got so annoyed with him "perching" above me, that I eventually just pushed him backwards onto the other couch. Don't worry, I wouldn't have done that if there wasn't a couch there. :)
    Love the wagon photo. Have a great week!

    1. Rebecca, I didn't post last week. I filled in as host at our writers group and also did a workshop. I spent all week working on it in addition to the daily work Joe and I have to do. The meeting and workshop went better than I hoped, so I 'forgave' myself for missing SHS. Funny about the boyfriend. I'm pretty easy going, but I got mad enough once to cut my ex's pony tale off--long story. :) Thanks for stopping by today. You have a good week, too.

  2. Goodness you had a hard time finding places that were open. The flags in a row shot was neat. Isn't it fun to get unexpected results like that.
    Great ocean shot, it's worth falling in love with.
    Nice shot of the apples on the ground. I need to do something with the ones I have here.
    Sitting down, I think this is a very neat shot. He's got great balance.
    The wagon train thing sounds fun and interesting.

    1. Ida, the wagon train 'trip' was fun to plan and to participate in. It was great for teaching the history to all the kids. Mom peeled, sliced and froze her apples in bags with just the right amount to put in the cake. It will save her time and extra trips to the store when she gets a 'hankering' to make apple cake. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  3. Warm days and it appears like fun days too! great group of photos.

    1. Karen, it is good to see you back here. Those warm days were fun days! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  4. Great minds think alike as you and I both had the ocean for salty. I loved your banners and you are true blogger that would take the opportunity to take a pic of apples spilled on the ground.

    1. Thanks, Yogi. It must be an Okie thing. I am learning to watch for things like spilled apples. :)

  5. What a fun post! Your "Just Because" was wonderful! Someone truly did a lot of work making the covered wagons!! :-) Your grandson's photo was great, too. (Good balance!) lol

    1. Shady, the wagons were a lot of work. The results were better than we had hoped for. I'm glad you stopped by. Thanks for your comments.
