Sunday, October 12, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday Photography Session

Sorry I missed last week. Happy to have gotten some shots in this week. 

1. Details

Earlier this week I read about the lunar eclipse dubbed the Blood Moon, because of its appearance--not that it was actually blood. I wanted pictures, but knew I would not get up before daylight. I opted to get my shots the night before. It wasn't the same, of course, but I am happy with what I got. I was happy with the details of the leaves captured by shooting it through the tree.   

2. Friend

The variety of color in the sunset a few nights before the lunar eclipse fascinated me, reminding me once again that my best friend, the Creator of it all, is the greatest artist there ever has been and ever will be! Thank you, God for this scene. 

3. Comfort

This gal was having her lunch in the comfort of her playground. She let me take dozens of photos from below with no concern for safety in her familiar place.

4. Above

This photo was also taken the night of the lunar eclipse. I shot it between the trees, straight above me. 

5. New

This shot is the beginnings of the used bookstore we are making in our storage unit flea market. This how it looked by last weekend. 

We opened the other side of the unit and expanded early this week. The new shelves in the other half of the unit are waiting to be filled fill more books. Hopefully it will be finished by the end of next week. 

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoy my interpretations of the prompts for this week. I would love for you to leave a comment about your favorite shots.


  1. That sunset was gorgeous! We didn't see the eclipse bc of a cloudy day )-:

    1. Tamar, thanks for visiting and comments. Clouds were not my excuse for not seeing the eclipse. Maybe one of these days I will learn to go to bed at a decent hour so I awaken early enough to see things like eclipses.

  2. I really like your photos! The details one is my favorite.

    1. Desiree, thanks for taking time to comments and for visiting my site.

  3. Nice set. - Both your moons shots were fun. It sure illuminated the tree branches so well.
    Loved your shot and thoughts behind the comfort prompt.
    Oh to browse through a book shop, so much fun.

    1. Ida, I replied to your comments, but did it as a reply to my post. Seems I always make mistakes when I write late at night--which is most of the time. I appreciate your visits and encouraging comments!

  4. Thanks Ida. I'm having a great time just setting up the bookstore. The only problem is the huge pile of books I have set aside to read or at least look through before I sell them. There just aren't enough hours in the day...

  5. Love your scenery photos--those are the kind I enjoy taking the most!!
    but like you--I am up late so can't get up early to take photos--
    have a great week--

    1. Glad you like the scenery photos. They are also my favorite to take. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  6. Fun interpretations of this week's prompts! I especially like the details shot.

    1. Thanks, I had not planned that shot for details, but after I saw it on the computer screen, it just seemed to fit!

  7. Hi. Stopping by from the linkup!
    Great interpretations! I actually didn't have the chance to witness the lunar eclipse. It was way too foggy. :(
    Thar squirrel did look very comfortable.
    I love sunrises and sunsets. They are assurance from Him.

    Have a great evening!

    1. I am so glad you stopped by.! I too love the sunrises (though I sleep through most of them) and the sunsets and pretty much all nature shots. Thanks for your comments and hope you have a great evening, too!

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