Sunday, October 26, 2014

In the Pumpkin Patch with Jack O'Lantern on Scavenger Hunt Sunday

You can find the clues for today's Scavenger Hunt in the Pumpkin Patch, along with a warning to help you avoid danger.  

1. Paint

All it takes is a little paint to stand out in a pumpkin patch.

2. Pumpkin

If you prefer to paint your own pumpkin, or leave the paint off all together, this is the batch to choose from.

3. Family

What a sweet family of pumpkins! Mom and dad are so proud of their babies. Notice how adoring grandma and grandpa are as they look at their offspring! 

4. Looking Cute

Petunia Pumpkin is looking cute with her painted on eyelashes. I'm thinking she may be looking to start a family of her own!

5. Photographer's Choice

Photographer's Choice.These start out a pretty orange. The older they get, the worse they look. We had been seeing these in the fields from a distance and could not figure out what they were. We stopped to shop a flea market and saw this one up close. It doesn't look appetizing like this, but it starts out a pretty yellow orange. Don't be tricked! This deadly mushroom is not a treat!

Thanks for stopping by. If you enjoyed your visit to the Pumpkin Patch, please let me know in a comment. (No tricks, please!) I promise to stop by later to comment on your post.


  1. Great festive 'hunt' this week!

    1. Tamar, the pumpkin was a lot of fun! Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  2. Such a cute take in this week's subjects!

    1. Jackie, I'm glad you liked it. It was fun to do.

  3. What a fun time you had in the pumpkin patch. Such cute painted pumpkins. I enjoyed them all. That mushroom was rather weird looking.

    1. Ida, I was delighted to find the patch. Someone did a great job putting it together. The mushrooms were pretty strange. I wouldn't eat them even if they were not poison! Thanks for stopping in today.

  4. Cute take on the prompts. Blessing's pumpkin is not painted but colored with sharpies.

    1. It is so much easier with paint and sharpies! When I was a kid the choice was to carve or not to carve. lol Thanks for stopping by today.

  5. Hey there! What a great idea to do a "family" of pumpkins in the patch. Really creative.
    The eyelashes do look really feminine.

    Have a great afternoon!

    1. Rebecca, it wasn't until I went through the photos Saturday night that I saw the potential in them for the hunt. Thanks for commenting. :)

  6. I think you like pumpkins--
    and what a great way to group them for the photos--
    have a fun week

  7. Pumpkins are fun, but I have to confess, they were arranged by someone else. They were most likely going for eye appeal, though. They would most likely think my interpretations strange. :) Thank you for stopping by and commenting. You have a fun week, too.

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