Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Fun Post for Scavenger Hunt Sunday Word Prompts

My photos this week don't tie together as well as I like, but I did manage to get something for all the prompts: Dress Up, Candy, Fall Colors, Trick or Treat, and Photographer's Choice.

1. Dress Up

Believe it or not, I didn't see one trick or treater in person this year, so I had to go out of the box to find a photo for dress up. Lots of pictures of them were posted on facebook. It seems Mario is still a popular costume choice. This photo is one of the candy containers my daughter purchased to put treats in for her wedding reception summer before last. We saved this one for her memory box.

2. Candy

Last night I started a novel for NaNoWriMo 2014. We are supposed to eat chocolate while we write, right? This brand of dark chocolate is the only candy I eat regularly. Oh, wait, these packages are empty. Does this still count?

3. Fall Colors

Last night was the first freeze of the season here in Okmulgee. I haven't seen many fall colors yet. This shot of blazing orange sunshine on the trees as the sun was going down a few nights ago is pretty close, don't you think?

4. Trick or Treat

I'm picturing this across the candy bowl. Trick or Treat if you dare!

5. Photographer's Choice

My daughter and her husband live a little over an hour's drive from me, where they work and attend college. Every few weeks they come home for a visit, but I am usually busy at the flea market. Even though they sleep at my house, we don't get a chance to visit much. This weekend they came to see us at the market as we were closing up for the day. They had a lot of fun battling with a cane on the motorized wheel chairs we have for sell. Afterward, we enjoyed dinner together at a local mexican restaurant. This is my Photographer's Choice photo for this week. 

This is it for Scavenger Hunt Sunday this week. Let me know what you think about my choices for this week by commenting. I'm on the way over to your blog to see your interpretations for the prompts, then I have to get busy writing another couple of thousand words on my NaNoWriMo novel toward the 50,000 word goal. Are you participating in Nation Novel Writing Month this year?


  1. I am soooo with you on the chocolate--that is my only sweet too--
    but I get the large bars--
    love all the photos--

    1. Di, Thanks for your comments. I usually by the big bars, too, but sometimes one or the other is on sale and I figure out which is cheaper. It never amounts to much difference, but I do it anyway. :)

  2. Hi, Martha! :)
    I didn't see any trick or treaters, either. They usually don't cone out to the apartments in my part of the neighborhood.
    I love Mario! In fact, my Mom and I were just talking about the other day how fun it was to play Dr. Mario on the original Nitendo and Super Mario on the Super Nintendo, which were back in the '90s. Ha. I haven't kept up with the latest.
    The dark chocolate is great. I like milk chocolate better though.
    Aw, I like what you put for your photographer's choice.
    Well, have a great evening!

    1. Rebecca, Now you have me thinking... my older children got a nintendo with a Mario game around 1992. I played with them some, but they were way better than me. I guess has been a favorite for over thirty years, considering that even my grandchildren like him! Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a good evening, too! :)

  3. Nice shots, the one with the motorized chairs is my favorite. We didn't pass out candy this year. Son went to a bonfire with a friend so Heather and I went out to eat.

    1. Sounds like you and Heather got the best treat! We are usually set up at a market somewhere on Halloween night. It was great for my daughter when she was little. No one was prepared with candy, so she and the other vendors children usually got their bag filled with money. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week!

  4. Your set turned out quite well. Mario is still popular I saw a kid in that costume when I took Coleen downtown for the Trick or Treating.
    Ghiradelli does make good chocolate.
    The fall color shot was pretty, I like the peeling tree bark.
    Oh I'd pass on the candy if the spider was in the bowl or anywhere near it!
    Fun choice of PC, Great you got to spend time with them.
    Sorry to be late commenting.

    1. Ida, I'm so glad you stopped by, late or not. I enjoy visitors. It's fun to see what appeals to someone else. I was surprised to get as many comments as I did on the Photographer's Choice since it was more personal, but that may be the very reason it got attention. Have a good week!
