Sunday, December 1, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday - Week 6

Scavenger Hunt Sunday Week 6

I went to sleep last night enjoying the warmth of the electric blanket. I awoke this morning to the blessing of my husband serving me a with a 'S'teaming cup of hot coffee and a Sunbelt breakfast bar. The texture of the strawberry filling was very satisfying.
I couldn't help but share this fun picture that satisfies all 5 prompts.

1. Starts with 'S'

The Soldiers Guarded the Silverware last Sunday.

2. Texture

The texture of the frozen blueberries slowly changed when I put them in the bowl of warm steel cut oats.

3. A Blessing

It is such a blessing to share good food and good company over a meal. My new son-in-law said the blessing for the food.

4. Warmth

The warmth of the giblet gravy made it perfect for pouring on the cornbread dressing on Thanksgiving day.

5. I Went

I Went to my Mothers for Thanksgiving Dinner. Please don't tell her I posted this picture of her.

I linked my blogpost here.


  1. I promise not to tell her! I like your opening with our theme words ! Very creative and most lovely photos with a running theme of blessings and warmth throughout!

  2. My lips are sealed; very nice opening :)

  3. These are all great! I love that you found one picture that shows all of the prompts! How fun :)

  4. I love the shot of the blueberries! Gives new meaning to edible art!
